Saturday, June 1, 2013

The 4 Day Thiol Sulfur Test (100+ Low/High Sulfur Foods)

Watch this 4-min video for a preview of my private notes.

All winter and summer squashes are low thiol sulfur

When I discovered I was high thiol sulfur intolerant, I relied on this list of foods from livingnetwork.  It's a list of 'low and "high thiol" sulfur foods, not the amount of 'elemental sulfur' from various unreliable websites on the internet. Unfortunately, that list is outdated and incomplete.

Since then, I had the opportunity to consult with nutritional doctors, genetic doctors, the generous and kind mercury experts (Andy Cutler PhD, Chris Shade PhD, etc.) and many dental amalgam mercury-poisoned dietitians.

After spending a small fortune in consulting fees, many 'trial and error' experiments, I discovered more thiol foods to add to my diet, and have taken many notes from my consultations, experiments and research.

Who is this for:

  • Do you have brain fog, fatigue, headaches, and other chronic symptoms possibly caused by heavy metals like mercury and genetic defects?
  • Do you suspect you have a "sulfur food allergy?"
  • Do you find yourself reacting to everything you eat? (Dairy, grains, nightshades, phenols, oxalates, nitrates, thiol sulfur, grains, etc?)  If so, you're in the right place.

Why is identifying your thiol sulfur status is important?
If you suspect a sulfur intolerance due to genetics or mercury toxicity, determining your thiol status is the first issue to figure out. The thiol test only takes 4 days. The information is invaluable and will give you dramatic symptom relief.

Here's a list of symptoms that improved after the correct thiol diet

  • Chronic Fatigue
  • Heart palpitations (that doesn't respond to magnesium supplementation anymore.)
  • "Brain fog", nerve pain, headaches, peripheral neuropathy, etc.
  • Eczema and itchy skin
  • Chronic pain and numbness
  • Candida issues (geographical "white tongue")
  • Attention deficit disorder/hyperactivity 
  • IBS, constipation, diarrhea, stomach pain
  • Lyme disease and Epstein Barr related symptoms
  • Sleeping disorders, lack of sleep, insomnia, sleep apnea.
  • A lot more..

At the request of other thiol sensitive individuals, I decided to share my private "Thiol Sulfur Diet" notes.

In the "Thiol Sulfur Diet" notes, you will learn the following:

  1. Should you eat a "low thiol sulfur" or a "high thiol sulfur" diet?
  2. Why do mercury toxic people have a thiol sulfur problem?
  3. The 3 types of 'low sulfur' status:  Which type are you? And what does it mean?
  4. What symptoms or conditions have improved after eating the correct thiol sulfur diet?
  5. What are “thiols” and how is it different than “elemental sulfur”? Why are the “sulfur” lists out there are unreliable?
  6. The "Thiol Test": How to determine your thiol status in 4 days
  7. 100+ Foods low in thiols (**new additions not found on the livingnetwork list. )
  8. Foods high in thiols
  9. How to combine this diet test with your food other intolerances? (eg:  dairy, Paleo diet, Gluten-free, Anti-candida diet, Feindgold, nightshades, etc.)
  10. How to get started: Low thiol recipes and meal plan (breakfast, lunch, snacks, dinner)
  11. Low Thiol (and low sugar) Green Smoothie
  12. Don't eat fish without this: Foods that reduces mercury bioavailability by 84%.
  13. Can you ever eat high thiol foods again, if you're currently intolerant?
  14. Where to buy Low Thiol Products?
  15. What sulfur agents to avoid in coconut milk, coconut butter and coconut oil?
  16. How to gain weight on the low thiol diet?
  17. Any low thiol legumes? Why are mercury toxic people low in lithium and what foods are rich in it?
  18. Should you eat fish?
  19. WHAT IF I’M REACTING TO EVERYTHING I EAT?? (Phenols, oxalates, nitriates, grains, etc??)
  20. Natural digestive enzymes: Before you take an enzyme supplement?...
  21. What is the connection between high thiol sulfur, CBS, genetics (the DNA test you take from, methylation pathways, MTHFR, candida, yeast and autoimmune disorders?

Acknowledgement and credits:

Dr. Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, PE - Andrew Cutler received his Ph.D. in chemistry from Princeton University, was once mercury poisoned and got well using a rational chelation protocol which he pioneered.

Dr. Christopher Shade earned his Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences and Resources Management from Lehigh University in 1993 and a Masters in Environmental Sciences from Lehigh in 1998.  Dr. Shade earned his Ph.D. in Environmental Sciences from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2005.

And the many more mercury poisoned dietitians and genetic health seekers.

Disclaimer: The information on this Web site is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your condition.

Last updated: November 20th, 2013
30/10, 24, 21

Important: Since my notes may include limited and/or unpublished material and I would like to protect the copyright of the various contributors of this document, I have decided to currently put my notes 'offline' and not publish it on this blog. However, you can request access to my notes below by entering your email and verifying your identity.   

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